The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

116 The Spiritual Life.

earthly lover will gladly undergo hardships,

perils, sufferings, to win approval from,or to

gain somethingdesirablefor,hi§beloved. How

should nottheonewhohascaughtaglimpseof



with delight, all that withholds him from the

bridaloftheinnerlife? Forthesakeof being

with one we love, we readily endure incon-

venience, sacrifice comfort, the joy of the

presenceof the loved one lends charm tothe

surmountingofallobstaclesthatseparate. Thus

devotion makes hard things easy, and painful

thingspleasant. ForloveistheWorld-alchemist


Devotion gives peace. The heart atpeace

inthe Selfisat peacewith all. The devotee

seestheSelfinall; all formsaround himbear

theimpressofthe Beloved. Howthencan he

hateordespiseorrepelany,when the facehe

lovessmilesathimbehindeverymask? "Sages

look with equal eyeon a Brahmana adorned

with learning and humility, on a cow, an

elephant, and even a dog and a dog-eater.

(Bhagavad-Gita, v.^1 8.) No one, nothing,

can beoutside the heartof the devotee,since

nothingisoutsidetheembraceofhisLord, if


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