The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

140 TheSpiritual Life.

Tofillupthesebroad outlineswhich areset

toguideustothenarrowancient Path,wemay



isthewayinwhich people livingintheworld,

bound bydomestic ties,andtiesof occupation

of every sort, how these people may have a

method by which the spiritual life may be

gained, by which progress in real spirituahty

may be secured. It is true that in all the


certain inclination to draw a line of division


spirit; that line of division, which is real, is,

however, very often misunderstood and mis-



difference,andoneof the mostvital import to

us. Owingtothemistakethatitisadifference

of circumstances which makes the life of the


inallages have lefttheworld in order tofind

the Divine. They have gone out into desert

andjungleandcave, intomountainandsolitary

plain, imagining that by giving up what they

called "theworld," thelifeof thespiritmight

besecured. Andyetif God beall-pervading

and everywhere. He must be in the market-

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