Its Meaningand Method. 147
man. He knows ihe plan cannot fail. Me
knowsthecombatmustinthe endbe crowned
with victory,andwhat matters it to him,who
hasknownthe One-ness, that his little part is
stamped by the world as failure, when it has
madepossiblethevictoryof thegreat plan for
human redemption, which is the real end for
which he worked? He was not working to
there, he was working for the redemption of
humanity. Andhispartoftheworkmayhave
its form shattered; it matters not, the life
Thatiswhatismeant byworking for duty.
Itmakesalllifecomparativelyeasy. It makes
it calm,strong, impartial, and undaunted; for
the man does not cling to anything he does.
Whenhehasdoneit,he has no more concern
withit. Letitgo forsuccessorfailure asthe
isevergoingonwardstoitsgoal. And itisthe
always counting their forces, reckoning their
chancesandpossibilities; butthemanwhocares
nothingforsuccessbut onlyforduty,heworks
with the strength of divinity, and his aim is