The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Its Meaningand Method.^151

all-pervading Spirit that animates the whole.

And when that mighty sacrificeis realised as

thelifeof the universe,whatjoymorefulland

passionatethantothrowoneself into thesacri-

fice and havea share in it, however small,to


evolve. Well might it be said by thosewho

see life, and realisewhat it means: *'Where,

then, is sorrow, where, then, delusion, when

once the Onc-ness hasbeen seen?" Thatis

the secret of the joy of the spiritual man.

Losing everything outside, he wins everything


I have often said,andit remains true ever,

thatwhilethelifeof theformconsistsintaking,

thelifeof the spirit consistsin giving,anditis

that which made the Christ, as the type of

the Spiritual Giver, declare: "It is more

blessed to give than to receive." For, truly,

those who know the joy of giving have no

hankeringsafterthejoyofreceiving; theyknow

theupwelling springof joyunfailing thatarises

withintheheartas the Life poursout. Forif

the DivineLifecouldflowintousandwekeep



place whence it may not issue, and gradually

grows stagnant, sluggish, dead; but the life

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