The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Theosophyand Ethics. ]65

men that selfishness can but breed sorrowand

evil,can have no other offspring than misery.

if theywill not learn bylove theymust learn

bypain. H theywill not learn bylonginglor

God,theymustlearnbyexperienceof theevil;

and if that real treeof lifewhich is in every

human heart does not sufficiently attract them

to the eating of its fruit, the tree of Life

Eternalwhose fruits are but of loveandduty,

thentheymusteatof thetreeof knowledgeof

evilaswellasof good,so thatif,toquoteone

of the sweetest of our English poets-"if


him to my breast." For that isthe voice of

theSpirit cryingintheworld,cryingtoallthat

has gone out from it to come back. If its

voice does not attract, then suffering must be

used foralime to drive. Back the wanderer

must come; the exile cannot remain abroad;

his seat isemptyin the home,itwaits for his

return,and if he will not come by love,then

bystarving on the husks that are fit food for

swine he must learn the lesson. And the

unrest of the transitory, the dissatisfaction of
the temporal- that shall turn his steps once

morehomewardtillhecome nearenoughtobe


Thus, then, we have the foundation which

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