The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

196 The Spiritual Life.


beforewasafertileplain,and yousay: "See,

thisisevil." Yetwiserminds,onthecontrary,

regardit as part of the regenerative processes

of nature bywhich,bydisintegration and col-

lision, new combinationsare rendered possible,

the face of the earth is changed, mountain

rangesare thrown up, rivers and channels are


agency new continents are built, homes for

higherformsof lifearerenderedpossibleinthe
course of the evolution. Let us pause for a

moment and contemplate the way in which a

continentisbuilt. Letuswatchthetremendous


see a mountain range flung up; then let us

watch the formation of mighty glaciers, great

massesof ice,and see them presentlybeginto

grind their way down the mountain-side into

theplainwhich lies below; see theirresistless

course, ploughing out their way, and listen as


upmasseswhich fall again rebounding; watch

theprocessesofthatworldofstruggle,of strife,

of noise, of disturbance, of difficulty, and see


beworkingforruinand fornothingelse. But

ascenturies goon,and stillyou are watching.

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