The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Useof Evil. 199

retardation; who realises hisplace inthe uni-

verse,whorealises the true workingof nature,

andwhomaydeliberatelyset himself eitheron


theforceswhich are retardingevolution,which

areholdingitback,which are against progress,

which are not in harmony with it. Such a

man has to choose with which side he shall

identify himself. He may choose to identify

himselfwiththe sidewhichisprogressingonto

the godsor hemay choose toidentify himself

withthesidewhich isretarding that evolution.

His choice is in his own hands. He must

realisethatif hechoosesthesidewhichretards


ing himself with the disintegrating agency;

whereas if he chooses harmony with evolving


identifiedhimselfwith thatwhich is thelawof

progress,and the fact of his identificationwith

thatlawwill givetohimthepermanencewhich

results from harmony. You may say, why

should identification with the retarding forces

lead to destruction? The answer is this:

because the Divine Life goingon and causing


harmonises with its mighty course is carried

onwards without waste of energy; whereas

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