The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

TheUseofEvil. 21


willhave begun,forthe process isalong one.

And thatisthe onlywaydesirecan befinally

extirpated. You can only get nd of it by


ledgethatthegratificationof alldesirewhichis

not going upwards is a womb of pain, and

brings forth woe as a child. Nothing but

this experience can get rid of desire; not by

outward compulsion but inward will must the

destruction of desire take place, and this is

wroughtbypain. Henceispain,miscalledan

evil, one of the greatest blessings bestowed

uponman,inorderto turn him from thetran-

sitoryand fix him upon the eternal; for only

by pain can he possibly learn, only out of

disgust with theworld will arise those inward

aspirationswhich shallatlastbegratifiedinthe

visionof '^rulhTHoine.

Do not misunderstand me, for misunder-

standing on this matter is very easy but very

dangerous. Thestageofthefullgratificationof

desirethat I havebeenspeakingof isthestage

oftheSoul'schildhood,ereyet the memoryof

the Soul recalling past suffering following on

gratification, translatesitselfasthevoiceofcon-

science, and warns the lower nature of the

perilof yieldingtodesire. Whenonceexperi-

ence has been sufficient to bring about such
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