The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

214 TheSpiritual Life.

the man of action who performs every action


thefruitsthereof,that man in theworld isthe

servantofGod; heisonewhoperformsevery

action,-notforwhatit bringshimbutbecause

itfills upsomethinglackingwhich ought to be


of God. A man who realisesthat thewheel

of life must turn, and who takes part in the

turningof thewheel, not forwhat the turning

of the wheel may bring to him, but in order


plays his part in working without attachment,

without desire, andturns thewheelwhetherit

brings him pleasure orpain,whether it brings

him praise orblame,fame orignominy. Divine

knowledge or ignorance-anything the wheel

may bringhim. He only perceives that it is

his dutyto co-operate with God while mani-

festation persists and he therefore identifies

himself with the GodfromWhom theturning

of the wheelproceeds. He is thenone with

Shri KrishnawhodeclaredthatHehadnothing

to obtain in Heavens or on earth,butthat if

Hestoppedactingallwouldstop. Andthere-

forethedevoteewho acts,not inorderthathe

mayget anythingbutin order thatthe Divine

purpose may be fulfilled, heworks bywayof

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