230 The Spiritual Life.
intelligences. Polytheismaddstothephilosophy
of Pantheism the religious element needed for
spiritual evolution,but Gods and men,aswell
asallotherpartsoftheuniverse,liveand move
and have their being in the One. That is
the causeless Cause of Being. "It isbeyond
therangeand reach of thought-inthewords
ofthe Mandukya,'unthinkable and unspeak-
able.'" C^he Secret Doctrine, i. 42.) As
saltinwater,asbutterinmilk,theOne Lifeis
in all, invisible to eye, but immanent in all.
gence is the supernalTrinity,Brahman in His
threefold aspect, God in manifestation, the
highest point to which our thought can soar.
He isthe OneSelf,andveils himselfininnu-
merableforms, amidwhichthe"SevenSpirits"
take the loftiest place,and belowThemmany
divine Beings, grouped in threes and sevens,
accordingtotheirfunctionsin anygivendepart-
mentof the kosmos,andin manyothergroup-
ings,familiar in world-scriptures,and reducible
to the same fundamental complex units.^ A
roundit; thisdoubled,thecentrescoinciding,givestwelveround
theone;henceallmultiplesoftwelve. Again,thethreetakenas
acentrewiththe sevenroundityieldtheten,thedecade(our