The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

232 TheSpiritual Life.

ofconditionedexistence. Hence Hecancon-

dition Himself at anypointof suchexistence.


onthehumanconditionand IsbornIntooneof

Hisworlds,we call him an Avatara, a God-

man. He lives again on some globe as man,

but the gloryof Deitylightens through Him,

and HeIsEmmanuel, God-wlth-us. To such


gradesof headand heart can turn inworship,

in love,intrust; fromall suchbeings,mencan

ask for aid, counsel or guidance. Foravery

lowly-developedtypeof mananintelligenceof

a comparatively low grade may be the most

effective"God"; the untrained brain cannot

graspthevastidea of an IntracosmlcGod, all-

pervasive,all-sustaining; the concept bewilders

theIntellectand chillsthe heart. Yetwithout

loveandtrust andworship the spiritualnature

cannot awake, cannot develop; it is not the

object of worship but the attitude of the

worshipper that rouses the emotions which

stimulatespiritual growth. God is the life of

everyobject,anditisHethat isworshippedin

each,nottheouterform that is Hisveil. He


and as the mind and heart of theworshipper

expand and rise, formafterform breaksaway

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