The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Discipleship. 237

Jesus and His disciples; theyquarrelled with

each other about precedence, they ran away

when their Masterwas attacked,one of them

denied Him with oaths, and later on showed

muchduplicity. The truthisthat discipleship

impliesapasttiebetween Masteranddisciple,

and a Master may recognise that tie, growing

outof past relationship,with onewho hasstill

much toachieve; the disciple mayhave many

and serious faults of character, may by no

means-thoughhis facebeturnedtothe Light

  • have exhausted all the heavy karmaof the

past, may be facing manya difficulty,fighting

on many a battlefield with the legions of the

pastagainst him. Theword "disciple" does

notnecessarilyimplyinitiation,norsaintship; it

only asserts a position and a tie—that the

person is on the probationary path, and is

recognisedbyaMasteras His.

Amongthepeoplewhooccupythat position

intheworldto-dayaremanytypes. Forthose


thelawshouldberecalled, thata man iswhat

hedesiresandthinks,notwhathedoes. What

hedesiresand thinksshapeshisfuture;whathe

does is the outcome of his past. Actions are


occult standpoint-a hard doctrine to many.

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