The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

250 The SpiritualLife.

andofwideningout beyondthehabituallimits

ofthelife,therecognition ofa Self,divine and

puissant, which islife, not form; joy,not sor-

row; thefeelingofamarvellouspeace,passing

allof whichthe world candream. With the

fallingaway of limitations comes an increased

intensityof life, as though lifeflowed in from

every side rejoicingoverthe barriersremoved,


seems as death, and earthlylight as darkness.

It is anexpansionso marvellous inits nature,

that consciousnessfeels asthough it had never

known itself before, forall it had regarded as


ofthisupwellinglife. Self-consciousness,which

commenced to germinate in child-humanity,

which has developed, grown, expanded ever

within the limitations of form, thinking itself
separate, feeling ever "I," speaking ever of

"me" and "mine"-this Self-consciousness

suddenly feels all selves as Self, all forms as

commonproperty. Heseesthatlimitationswere

necessaryfor thebuilding of a centre of Self-


thesametimehefeelsthat theform is onlyan

instrument he useswhilehe himself,the living

consciousness, is one in all that lives. He


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