The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The FuturethatAwaits Us.^263

Breath in which all systems, all worlds, all

individuals,live,breathe,andexists. Letthere

be in your minds for a moment a picture of

that vast cycle of evolution—evolution as yet


of the Logos but not in the facts of the

manifestation. Then,runningswiftly onwards

from that beginning, place before your minds


of a universe, region after region: how the

energyof theLogosflashingforthpours Itself

outasAtma,the one Self,into a universe yet

to be,to make plane after plane in sevenfold

order; Itself the energy, the first spirit; and

the first matter but Its own outer aspect,the

ringwithinwhich Itlimits Itselfforthepurpose

ofmanifestation; then thisenergypassingout-

wards enfolded in that first matter as in a

garment,and its outer aspect again forming a

newphaseof matter,that ofthe secondplane,

so thatthe energyof the second plane is the

firstenergy plus first-plane matter, and round


secondplaneiswrapped; andsotheenergyof

thethird planeisthefirst energyplusfirst and


third-planematter; and so on, makingregion

afterregion until the seven (the root-number

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