The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Future thatAwaits Us. 265

less dense types of spirit-matter which belong

tothe different planes formed by themfoldmg

ofthe Life. At lastthe momentcomeswhen

manistobeginto be-notmerelyanimalman,

but man himself; when this upward-climbing,

unfoldingenergyreachesthe pointat which it


hving Firethat flashesdownwardsfrom above,

thelifebelowreachingupto thelifeabove,till

theymeet and man isborn. Letmeaid our

halting thoughts with a simile drawn from

every-day experience: you know the way in

which the electric arc is formed, the blazing

lightof the electriclamp; two carbon poles-

one positive, the other negative come ever

nearer and nearer to each other; all still is

deirkness,but m the darkness theyarecoming

closer andcloser,till at last theyare so near


come,thecurrentspringsfrompoletopole, the

electric arc is formed, and light blazes out.

Thatelectric arcmaynot inaptlyserve usasa


therealman,born whenwhatwemaycallthe


the positive current of Atma reaching down-

wardsrushtogetherandmeet,and mancomes

into existence,to live through the measureless


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