The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Future thatAwait* Us.^285

for which he is fitted, that power which sees

giveshimhis rank and marksouttheregionof

his activity. Most, indeed, seeing for them-

selves, will endorse the justice of the ruling

authority, and those who cannot see will be

kept in check by the overwhelming public

opinion. Then knowledgewillrule ignorance,


men will laugh at the insane idea that the

multiplicationofignoranceiswisdom. Inthose

daysasyouthsaregrowinginto manhoodtheir


bythe colour, finenessand size of their auras,

which will show-as theyshow now to those

whoseeyesareopened-the range theirfacul-


them for development. Then work will be

joy,as all work isjoywhen it isfitted to the

powersoftheworker; thelabour,thepain,of

workcomewhenit frustratespowerswhichwe

possess, when the work is not fitted to the

capacity; when man shall beever doing that

forwhichhis facultiesare bestsuited,thenwill

therebeharmonyand contentinsocietyinstead


In those dayshowdifferent alsowillbethe

law,especiallyas tocriminaljurisprudence; as


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