The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Future thatAwaits Us.^293

millenniumto millennium,that ifwe lookback

millions of years wesee the human race still

climbing on its way. But then the progress

willbeenormously swifter,obstacles will bea

memory of the past, and all forces will be

workingconsciouslytowardsafulfilment that is


Evenstillhighermankindmustrise. Beyond


moreglorious,the region of Samadhi,wherea


unknownto thevast majority. It is a region



lower planes; where consciousness has lost

manyof itslimitations and acquiresanewand

strangeexpansion; whereconsciousness knows

itselftobestill itself, and yet haswidenedout

to knowother selvesas onewith it,sothat it

alsoincludestheconsciousnessofothers; itlives,
breathes, feels, with others, identifying itself

with others,yet knowingits own centre; em-


atthe same time being itself. Nowords can

expressit; tobeknownitmustbeexperienced.

This great expansiongivesahitherto unknown

unity; thedivisionsofeartharelost,forweare

Hearingthe centre and looking outwards,thus

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