The Future thatAwaits Us.^295
before. One other range Is still within the
limitof humanvision withinthereach,I dare
not sayof human thought,but to someextent
of human apprehension, where Nirvana binds
up allthese glories of humanity,and whereits
possibilities are seen and realised and are no
longer mere lovely dreams. Life beyond all
fancy of living,activity in wisdom and power
and love beyond men's wildest imaginations,
seeming vaster and more wonderful than the
one before. What here seems life is but as
death comparedwith that life,our sightisbut
blindnessandourwisdombutfolly. Flumanity!
what hasit to doinsucharegion,what place
hasmaninsuchaworldasthat? And then-
sweeping as it were from the veryheart of it
all-from the LoGOS who is its Life and
Light-comes the knowledge that this is the
goal of man's pilgrimage, that this is man's
true home,that this isthe world to which he
journey. Then it comes into the dazzled
consciousness that man has been living, and
experiencing,andclimbingfromthe physicalto
the astral, from the astral to the devachanlc,