"Go,attack that fortthat lies infrontof you,
capture it, and hold it until word comes to
leave." And the young captain, with his
littleband of young men behind him,looksat
thefortinfront,and knowshe cannot takeit,
sees that failure is inevitable, knows that it
means mutilation and deathto the men under
hiscommand nay,heknowsthat if hecarries
out the order tothe last,not one manof that
littleband maysee to-morrow's sun,butevery
onewill be swept awayin the death-hail that
will come upon them as they struggle up the
hill to the impregnable fort at the top. He
seesit all; does he hesitate? If he does he
is traitor, dishonoured, craven. He calls his
men together. *'Orders have come to take
the fort!" Theycharge up atit. Theyare
decimated. Againtheycharge,andagainthey
leave a tenth of their number on the slope.
Again,and again,and again theycharge,until
nomanisleftthere to stand andchargeagain.
Meanwhile, on another side of the field pro-
gress has been made with the general's plan;
meanwhiletheattentionof theenemyhasbeen
occupiedbythishandfulof menwhogocheer-
fully to death, and the plan has developed;
forwhilethe enemywerewatching theforlorn
hope the plan of their comrades has been