The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

On Some Difficultiesof the Inner Life. 33

outer world will vary with each wire. In a

platinumwireitmayappear aslight,inaniron

one as heat, round a bar of softiron asmag-

netic energy, led into a solution as a power

that decomposes and recombines. One single

energyispresent,yetmanymodesof itappear,

for the manifestation of life is always con-

ditioned by its forms, and as consciousness

works in the causal,mental,astral or physical

body, the resulting "I" presentsverydifferent

characteristics. Accordingtothevehiclewhich,

forthe time being,itisvitalising,sowillbethe

conscious "I." If it isworking in the astral

body it willbe the "I" of the senses; if in

the mental, it will be the "I" of the intel-

lect. Byillusion,blinded bythe material that

enwraps it, it identifies itself with the craving


cries,"I want,""I think." Thenaturewhich

isdevelopingthe germsof blissandknowledge

istheeternalMan, andistherootofsensations

andthoughts; butthesesensationsandthoughts

themselves are only the transitory activities in

his outer bodies, set upby the contact of his

life with the outer life, of the Self with the

not-Self. He makes temporarycentresforhis

life in one or other of these bodies, lured by

the touches from without that awaken his

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