The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

40 The Spiritual Life.

power in us, and stands ever between the

thought and the action. Intellect sees, but it

doesnotmove,andamanwithout desiresand

emotions would be a mere spectator of life.

TheSelfmusthave evolved someofitsloftiest

powersere itcan foregotheuseof thedesires

andemotions; foraspirantsthequestionishow


to discipline them, not how to destroy. We

wouldfain "want" toreach thehighest,since

without thiswantingweshall makenoprogress

atall. Weare held backbywantingtounite

ourselves with objects transitory, mean and

narrow; cannotwepush ourselvesforward by

wantingtounite ourselveswith the permanent,

thenobleandthewide? Thusmusing,wesee

thatwhatweneedis tocultivatetheemotions,

anddirect themin a waythatwill purify and

ennoblethecharacter. Thebasisofallemotions

onthe sideof progressislove,and thisis the

powerwhichwemustcultivate. George Eliot

wellsaid: "Thefirstconditionofhumangood-


to reverence." Now reverence is only love

directedtoasuperior, and the aspirant should

seekonemoreadvancedthan himself towhom

hecandirect hislove and reverence. Happy


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