The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

On Some Difficulties ofthe Inner Life. 43

lower nature,recogniseitasan Instrument and

not our Self, centre ourselves in the highest

consciousnesswe can dream,and feelit asour

real Self. "That which is Being, Bliss and

Knowledge,that am I. Life, LoveandLight,

thatam1." Forouressential natureisdivine,

andthe effort torealiseithelpsitsgrowth and

manifestation. Pure,passionless,peaceful,it is

"the Starthat shineswithin,"andthatStaris

our Self. Wecannotyetsteadilydwellinthe

Star, but as we try daily to rise to it, some

gleamof itsradiance illuminestheillusory" 1


made of the shadows amid which we live.

Tothisennobling and peace-givingcontempla-

tionof our divine destinywe mayfitly riseby

worshippingwith the most fervent devotion of

which we are capable-if we are fortunate

enough to feel such devotion-the Father of

the worlds and the Divine Man whom we

reverence as Master. Resting on that Divine

Man as the Helper and Lover of all who

seek to rise—call Him Buddha, Christ, Shri

Krishna, Master,what wewill—we maydare

toraise our eyestothe One fromWhomwe

come,toWhomwe go, and in the confidence

of realised sonshipmurmur, " 1 andtheFather

areOne,"" 1 amThat."

Oneof themost distressingof thedifficulties

E 2

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