46 TheSpiritualLife.
sweeps over us isnot the Self, but is onlya
passingmanifestationof thenot-Self. "Letit
toss and swirl and foam, it is not I." Let
consciousnessrealise this,if onlyforamoment,
rockisfehunder the feet. Withdrawingfrom
theemotion,we no longer feel it as a partof
ourselves,andthus ceasingtopourourlifeinto
tion whichenabled it to become a channelof
pain. This withdrawal of consciousness may
bemuchfacilitated if,inourquiettimes,wetry
tounderstandandto assignto theirtruecauses
these distressing emotional alternations. We
shall thusat least getridof someof thehelp-
lessness and perplexity which, as we have
These alternationsof happinessand depres-
sion are primarilymanifestationsof thatlawof
periodicity,orlawof rhythm,whichguidesthe
universe. Night and day alternate in the
physical life of man as do happiness and de-
pressioninhisemotional life. Astheebb and
flowin the ocean, so arethe ebb and flow in
humanfeelings. Therearetidesmthehuman
heartasintheaffairsof menandasin thesea.
joyfollows soiTow and sorrow follows joy,as
surelyas death followsbirth and birth death.