The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

60 TheSpiritual Life.

slipped away,at thetrials, theJoys,thehopes,

thedisappointments of the timethatthenwas,

andwe marvelwhywespent so much of our

life-energy on things so little worth. Even

life'ssharpest painsseems strangelyunrealthus

contemplated bya personality that has greatly

changed. Ourwholelifewasboundupinthe

life of another, and all of worth that it held

for us seemed to dwell in the one beloved.

We thought that our lifewas laid waste, our


But as time went on the wound healed and

newflowers sprang up along our pathway,till

to-daywe can look back without a quiver on

an agony that then well-nigh shattered life.

Orwe broke with afriend fora bitterword;

how foolish seem our anger and excitement,

lookingback overthe ten years' gulf. Orwe

were madly delighted witha hardly-won suc-

cess; howtrivialitlooks,andhowexaggerated

ourtriumph,whenwe seeIt nowIn due pro-

portionIn thepictureof our life; thenItfilled


Butourphilosophic calm,aswecontemplate

thevictoriesand defeats of ourpast acrossthe

intervalof spaceortime,suffersanignominious

breach when we return to our dally life and

find it not. All the old trivialities, in new

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