66 The Spiritual Life.
The third method, meditation, Is the most
efficaciousandthe mostdifficult. Itconsistsof
a constant endeavour to realise one's identity
with one's True Self, and to become self-
conscious hereas It. "To whatsoeverobject
it,bringit back,and place it uponthe Spirit."
Itisaworkof alifetime,butit willbringusto
the Place of Peace. The effort needs to be
continually renewed,patientlypersisted in. It
may be aided by fixing on definite hours, at
which, for a few moments, wemay withdraw
ourselves like the turtle into its shell, and
andthat passing incidents canaffect us notat
all. Withthegradualgrowthofthispowerof
remaining "inthe Self" comesnotonlyPeace
but Wisdom, for absence of personal desires,
prejudice. "Thistranquilstateattained,there-
from shall soon result a separation from all
troubles; andhismindbeingthusatease,fixed
upon one object,itembracethwisdom fromall
sides. Themanwhoseheartandmindarenot
at rest is without wisdom." Thus "being
and "supreme bliss surelycometh tothe sage