Lemma 10.2.
Let r is a regular expression and it generates the language L. Assume regular expression r can
be formed by concatenation of regular expressions r 1 , r 2 , r 3 ,............ rn , where ri, (∀ i ≥ 1) may
be formed by addition of regular expressions or kleeny closure of it.
r = r 1. r 2. r 3 ......rn. (because concatenations of regular expressions are regular expression)
If we concatenate the above regular expressions in reverse order we get again a regular
rREV = rn. rn–1......r 3. r 2. r 1
Regular expression rREV generates the language that certainly contains the strings that
are reverse of the strings of L.
For example r = a 1. a 2. a 3 ......an and it expresses the language L = a 1 a 2 a 3 ......an then
reverse of L is an......a 3 a 2 a 1. That is generated from the concatenation of the regular expressions
in reverse order
i.e., rREV = an......a 3. a 2. a 1
Since, rREV is a regular expression. Hence its language is also regular.
If L is the language accepted by some DFA then we can construct the DFA (one/more) that
accepts reverse of all the strings of L.
Proof. Let DFA M = (Q, Σ, δ, q 0 , F) is represented by equivalent regular expression r where
L = L(r). Let reverse of L is LR where LR = (L)R = (L(r))R = L(rR) says reverse of L is expressed
by a regular expression rR. Hence, there exist some DFA equivalent to regular expression rR.
Now, we construct the DFA MR with following consideratons, i.e.,
l Starting state of M becomes the final state of MR.
l Final state of M will be the starting state of MR.
l If M has more than one final state then number of DFA MR are more (number of MR
will be depend upon the number of final states)
- Select any one final state (of M) that will be the starting state of MR1, remaining
final states becomes non final states of MR1. - Pick next final state (of M) that will be the starting state of MR2 and remaining
final states becomes non final states of MR2. - Repeat step 2 until all final states becomes starting state of MR1, MR2,......MRk
where k is the number of final states in M. So there are K possible DFA (MR) that
accept reverse of language L.
l Reverse direction of all the transition arcs.
For example Fig. 10.9 shows a DFA M accepts language L, where L is the language
denoted by regular expression 0 . 1. 1 + 0. 1. 1. 0. (1 + 0)*
0 1
(^10) C
1, 0
Fig. 10.9