Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

(Chris Devlin) #1


or V1,2 * V3,2 = {S} * {S} = {SS} we find nothing.
or V1,3 * V4,1 = {B} * {A, X} and find nothing.
Therefore, V1,4 = {S} (∴ S ⇒ XB}
This entry is shown in Fourth column of table shown in Fig. 11.35.


From the table (Fig. 11.35) we see that its last column contains the nonterminal/s that derived
the complete string x. If this column contains the start symbol S it means,

S ⇒N x

Then, string x ∈ L(G).
Conversely, if start symbol S ∉ V1,n (last column) then x ∉ L (G).
CYK Algorithm
Start with the CNF grammar G = (VN, VT, S, P), and assume that string x is of length n(| x |
= n).
For i = 1 to n do // for all substring of length 1
Vi,1 = {α ∈ VN | A → xi,1 is a production in G}
End for (i)
For i = 2 to n do // for all substring of length 2
For j = 1 to n-i+1 do
Vj,i = ∅
For k = 1 to i-1 do
Vj,i = Vj,i ∪ {A ∈ VN A → BC is a production in G and B ∈ Vj,k
and C ∈ Vj+k, i–k}
End for (k)
End for (j)
End for (i)
If S ∈ Vi,1 then x ∈ L(G) otherwise x ∉ L(G)
So, the algorithm must terminate with in the time complexity O(n^3 ) due to nested three
for loops with variables k, j and i.
[In general the compiler of ‘C’ and ‘PASCAL’ languages are of linear time complexity i.e.


There are a lot more problems of the context free languages (CFLs) that have no known solution,
such problems are called undecidable problems. For example, following problems for CFGs/
CFLs have no algorithms, i.e.,
l Problem of equivalence

Remember, problem of equivalence is decidable for regular languages that says that if L 1 and
L 2 are two regular languages then they are equivalence if and only if,
(L 1 – L 2 ) ∪ (L 2 – L 1 ) = ∅

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