Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

(Chris Devlin) #1


a b a b


a bb



()a ()b
Fig. 12.6
As usual a state is represented by a circle, A start state is represented by a circle marked
with an arrow, and the final state (halting state) is represented by the double circle.
Alternatively state diagram of Fig. 12.7

q 0 q 1

(, ,R)aa

Fig. 12.7
shows that from the starting state q 0 machine reads the symbol a and left the same symbol a
(over write a by a) and move to right and reaches to state q 1 and halted (shown by double
Let us consider an example and construct the Turing machine for the language
L = {ai bi | i ≥ 0}. We see that language L contains all the strings of equal number of a’s
followed by equal number of b’s like,
L = {ab, aabb, aaabbb, .................. and ∈}
So, we construct the Turing machine that accepts the strings, which are in set L.
The logic for scanning the accepted nature strings is depend upon the counting of the number
of a’s and b’s with followings steps: (assume string is ‘aaabbb’)

  • Read the first symbol a, converted to X, move right and find the equivalent b at the
    end of the string (before the blank symbol B) and converted to B.
    a a a b b b B B ⇒ X a a b b B B B

  • Move back and reach to the next starting symbol a and repeat the previous step like
    X a a b b B B B ⇒ X X a b B B B B
    and X X a b B B B B ⇒ X X X B B B B B (a string of only X and blanks B)

  • The string of equal number of a’s followed by b’s certainly returns the string shown
    above that is last X followed by B and this may be taken as the halting condition of
    the machine.

Transition functions (δ)

Let machine M = (Q, Σ, Γ, B, q 0 , δ, F) where q 0 is the starting state, set Q = {q 0 , q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 },
Σ = {a, b}, Γ = {a, b, X, B} (because Σ ⊂ Γ) and δ are defined as follows:
•δ(q 0 , a) = (q 1 , X, R) // first a is replaced by X
•δ(q 1 , a) = (q 1 , a, R) and δ(q 1 , b) = (q 1 , b, R) // skip all a’s and b’s and move right so it
reaches to symbol B

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