50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know

(Marcin) #1

An earth-shattering identity

The prize for the most remarkable formula of all mathematics involves e.
When we think of the famous numbers of mathematics we think of 0, 1, π, e and
the imaginary number i = √–1. How could it be that
eiπ + 1 = 0
It is! This is a result attributed to Euler.
Perhaps e’s real importance lies in the mystery by which it has captivated
generations of mathematicians. All in all, e is unavoidable. Just why an author
like E.V. Wright should put himself through the effort of writing an e-less novel –
presumably he had a pen name too – but his Gadsby is just that. It is hard to
imagine a mathematician setting out to write an e-less textbook, or being able to
do so.

the condensed idea

The most natural of numbers

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