The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1

Copyright © 2008, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

FV  $5,000(2.71828)0.40

FV  $5,000(1.491824296)

FV  $7,459.12

This is the same answer we had when interest compounded every minute. The answers
aren’t really the same; continuous compounding does provide slightly more. However, that
“more” is very slight indeed—less than a penny—and so the miniscule difference is lost in
the rounding.

Frequency Times/ Year I N Formula Future Value

Continuous “Infi nitely many” n/a n/a FV  $5,000e0.40 $7,459.12

You may find it strange that the exponent in the above problem was not a whole
number. The most familiar explanation of what an exponent is, and the one we have
used in developing the compound interest formula, defines exponents in terms of
repeated multiplication. Thus e^5 would be understood as five e’s multiplied together, or
(e)(e)(e)(e)(e). But e0.40 makes no sense with this view; how do you multiply together
0.40 e’s? The answer to this puzzle is that our usual understanding of an exponent is
fine when the exponent is a whole number, but there is much more to the story. Expo-
nents have a deeper meaning that allows them to be negative numbers, fractions, deci-
mals, irrational numbers, and worse. A proper explanation of this lies well beyond the
scope of this book. The curious reader can find more information in a college algebra
or precalculus textbook; the less curious reader can be content with the knowledge that
any calculator will be able to handle these exponents, and that will suffice for practical
business purposes.
The astute (and/or paranoid) reader may also notice that in evaluating this formula
we appear to have violated order of operations. Order of operations says that exponents
should be done before multiplication, yet we multiplied (5)(0.08) before we used the
result as an exponent. The reason for this apparent violation of order of operations is that
when we write the “rt” together up in the exponent, it is understood that they make up the
exponent together, and so we must evaluate the result of multiplying them together first.
It is as though there were parentheses around them. In mathematical notation, it is com-
mon practice to not bother to write in parentheses when it is clear from the way things
are written that things are meant to be grouped together in this way. This is known as an
implied grouping.
This does become an issue, though, when working out compound interest with a
calculator. If you are entering the entire formula at once and trusting the calculator to fol-
low order of operations, we have to insert parentheses around the things in the exponent.
When typing an expression into a calculator, there is no “up there” making it clear what is,
or is not, in the exponent. So, to perform the calculation from Example 3.2.6, you would
need to enter:

Correct Operations Result
5000*2.71828^(.08*5) 7459.12

If you leave out the parentheses, the result is far off the mark

INCORRECT Operations Result
5000*2.71828^.08*5 27082.18

If you are concerned about forgetting this, you may want to actually write the implied
parentheses into your formula. While this is not the standard way of writing it, it is a correct
alternative form.

3.2 Compounding Frequencies 107
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