Cash Flows
“Foul cankering rust the hidden treasure
But gold that’s put to use more gold
—William Shakespeare, “Venus and Adonis”
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Calculate present values when payment continues
indefi nitely into the future.
LO 2 Use present values to choose between different
business or investment opportunities.
LO 3 Calculate the payback period from an investment.
LO 4 Use payback periods to determine whether or not
an investment is worthwhile.
Chapter Outline
14.1 The Present Value Method
14.2 The Payback Period Method
14.1 The Present Value Method
Deciding what value to place on an investment or on a business as a whole is a challeng-
ing proposition. In addition to taking into account all the risks and uncertainties of any
opportunity, we must face the fact that most business ventures require substantial up-front
investment of time, effort, and capital in the hopes of returning profits in the future. How
can we decide whether or not a given business opportunity is financially worthwhile?
That is an enormous question that faces everyone, ranging from the multimillionaire real
estate developer considering building a new resort complex, to the pizzeria owner decid-
ing whether or not to buy a new oven, to the student wondering whether or not the time,
effort, and expense of pursuing a college degree will really ever pay off. There is of course
no way to provide a set, guaranteed, one-size-fits-all method for making these decisions.
However, in this chapter we will consider how some mathematical tools may help in
approaching these sorts of decisions.