The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1

48 Chapter 1 Simple Interest

  1. Find the total interest due for an 8-month loan of $10,857 if the simple interest rate is 1¼% per month.

  2. My credit card statement says that the periodic simple interest rate for cash advances is 0.06575% per day. What is this
    as an annual simple interest rate?

  3. Express an annual simple interest rate of 19¾% as a rate per day.

E. Additional Exercises

  1. Property taxes in Camden County are due on October 15 of each year. Trent’s taxes on his body shop were $5,037.25.
    If taxes are paid late, interest is charged at a simple interest rate of 1½% per month “or portion thereof.” How much
    would Trent owe if he pays his taxes in full on December 17?

  2. A loan of $475.19 was made on April 17, 2007, at a simple interest rate of 0.0475% per day. When the loan was
    repaid, the total amount required to repay the loan was $499.57. Find the date on which this loan was repaid.

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