The Mathematics of Money

(Darren Dugan) #1




Topic Key Ideas, Formulas, and Techniques Examples

The Concept of Discount,
pp. 5 6 –5 7

  • Discount is subtracted from the maturity value
    of a note

  • Discount is useful when the maturity value must
    be a set amount

Discussion at beginning of
Chapter 2. 1

Calculating Simple Discount
and Proceeds, p. 5 9

  • Use the simple discount formula DMdT to
    calculate discount

  • Subtract discount from maturity value to fi nd
    the proceeds

A $ 5 ,000 face value discount
note has a term of 219 days.
The simple discount rate is
93 / 8 %. Find the proceeds.
(Example 2.1.2)

Finding Maturity Value,
Simple Discount Rate, and
Term, p. 60

  • Plug the known quantities into the simple
    discount formula, and use the principle of
    balance to fi nd the unknown quantity

  • Adjust the result using appropriate rounding
    and/or units

  • Approach is the same as for similar simple
    interest problems

A $10,000 T bill with 182
days to maturity is sold at
auction for $9753.16. What
was the simple discount rate?
(Example 2.1.5)

Simple Interest Versus Simple
Discount, p. 6 4

  • Regardless of how it was originally set up, a
    loan can be regarded as using simple interest or
    simple discount.

  • To fi nd the simple interest rate, use the simple
    interest formula to solve for R

  • To fi nd the simple discount rate, use the simple
    discount formula to solve for d

Lysander Offi ce Supply
borrowed $38,000 for 1 year.
The note’s maturity value
was $40,000. Find the simple
discount rate, and fi nd the
simple interest rate. (Example

The Equivalent Simple
Interest Rate for a Discount
Note, p. 65

  • Find the proceeds of the note using the simple
    discount rate and formula

  • Use the proceeds as the principal in the simple
    interest formula and solve for R

A $10,000 face value,
9 -month simple discount
note is offered with an 8%
simple discount rate. What is
the equivalent simple interest
rate? (Part of Example 2.2.3)

Rates in Disguise, p. 6 6 • Discount may be expressed as a percent of the
maturity value without regard to time

  • To fi nd the proceeds, multiply the percent (as
    a decimal) by the maturity value, and subtract.
    An additional fl at dollar amount may sometimes
    also be subtracted.

  • An equivalent simple interest or discount rate
    can be found using the simple interest or simple
    discount formula

Ginny is expecting a $ 795
paycheck in 8 days. A
payday lender offers cash
now, charging a fee of 1.5%
plus $10. Find the equivalent
simple interest and simple
discount rates. (Example

Secondary Sales of
Promissory Notes, p. 7 1

  • The owner of a promissory note may sell the
    note to someone else.

  • This sale does not affect the maturity value or
    maturity date of the note, so these should be
    calculated fi rst.

  • The selling price is based on the previously
    determined maturity value and date.

John loans Paul $ 20 ,000 for
1 year at 8% simple interest;
3 months later, John sells
the note to Ringo at a 7¾%
simple discount rate. How
much does Ringo pay?
(Example 2.3.1)

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