Understanding Architecture Through Drawing

(lily) #1

other across a main road.
Within the town, entry points exist though they may
not be immediately apparent. A roundabout or exit ramp
from a motorway may serve as an entrance gateway
with, perhaps, a tall building marking its presence. Again,
the artist must employ some insight and imagination to
see these as modern gateways. Having sketched such a
scene, it is easier to imagine a cluster of buildings making
an urban gateway – you can move from description of the
present situation to proposing some future change.
Lesser gateways in a town are quite common. Many
modern shopping centres employ expressive portals in
order to announce the position of entrances to malls or
car parks. The language of entrance and advertising is
often skilfully exploited in such areas. In historic towns

The Doric porticoes to this imposing crescent of houses
in Glasgow define entrances and provide a rhythm to the
wider composition. By linking together entrances the
porticoes have a scale in keeping with the crescent.

14.7 a and b
Gatepiers are often part of the decorative tradition of older areas. These splendid
gatepiers from a middle-class suburb in Glasgow both define the edge of private
territory and enrich the public realm.

118 Understanding architecture through drawing

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