Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1

. It seemed easy enough, although
. I got the ingredients I needed out of the


I started with the salad. I rinsed a head of lettuce and then

. I sliced

and scattered them over the lettuce. But I forgot

to. I peeled a cucumber

and an onion and. I sprinkled

over the salad and went to place it

in the refrigerator. But when I placed the bowl on the shelf in the refrig-

erator, the shelf broke and.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were

on the floor and

on my shoes. I grabbed a broom and.

Then I got a bucket and scrub brush in order to

. When I was done, I sat down and


The roast looked easier to prepare. I placed it in a large pan and

covered it. I sprinkled salt

Story Completion 121
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