Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1
Some helpful ideas for the theme:
What are some popular vacation spots?
Why does someone need a vacation?
What does a vacation cost?
What can you do on a vacation?
Who goes along?

Some helpful vocabulary words: travel agent, airline, beach, hotels and
motels, sightseeing, dinner and dancing

Exercise 6.8The Person I Love Most
Include these structures:
two statements following the conjunction that(example: “I know that
you have my money.”)
two relative clauses beginning with that(example: “Is she the girl that
took the book?”)
one use of the adjective that(example: “That man is a thief.”)

Some helpful ideas for the theme:
Who is this loved person?
Why do you love him or her?
What is the difference between family love and romantic love?
How does this person feel about you?

Some helpful vocabulary words: adore, respect, personality, companionship,
soul mate, engagement

Exercise 6.9If I Had a Million Dollars
Include these structures:
two passive voice verbs in the present perfect tense (example: “It has
been destroyed.”)
three questions beginning with an interrogative word (such as who,

Some helpful ideas for the theme:
How would it feel to be rich?
What would you buy?
Whom would you help?
Are there problems with being rich?

170 Writing Better English

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