Writing Better English for ESL Learners

(Nora) #1

Although the pronouns Iand youdo not replace nouns, they follow the
same pattern as the pronouns already shown.

Imemy mine
you you your yours

Exercise 1.20 Replace the italicized noun or noun phrase in the following sen-
tences with the appropriate pronoun. Be careful: not all of the italicized nouns
are subjects.

1.The lawyerstood up slowly and looked at the jury.

  1. When I saw the girlson the corner, I gave a little wave.

  2. I knew that the tall womanwas our new boss.

  3. Dr. Brown often wrote about that operationin her diary.

5.Their problemswere really much worse than mine.

  1. I truly liked Mr. Johnson’sdaughter a lot.

7.Robert and Ihoped to buy a car together.

Preparing to Write 45
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