end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
Descartes attended, however, La Fl`eche was genuinely among the best schools in
the country.
.Louis XIII subsequently approved this in,asaresult of which the college
was renamed Louis-le-Grand.
.The title in Latin wasRatio Studiorum, which I translate here asSyllabus of Studies.
.Pasquier (),.
.Ari`es (),.
.‘Let the practice of speaking Latin be especially strictly guarded excepting in those
classes in which the pupils do not know Latin: so that it never is allowed to use
the vernacular language in any matter which pertains to class,...let the master
always use Latin.’ Fitzpatrick (),–.
.Louis de la Roche-Thevenin, who was a student from ́ to, wrote to his
father complaining about his Greek studies and the verses he had to compose. See
Gaston-Ch ́erau (),–.
.Soarez (),,.
.Fitzpatrick (),–.
.Quintilian talks about the ‘lucidity and clarity’ (dilucida, aperta) required by a
lawyer in a statement of the facts of a case, and of the ‘clear and distinct’ (distincta,
perspicua) arguments that should be constructed on that basis, in Quintilian (),
IV, ii., and V, xiv..
.Quintilian (), VI, ii..Eventhe indirectness with which we stir up an
emotional response in ourselves, an important feature of the Cartesian account of
the passions, is found in the same discussion by Quintilian (), VI, ii.: ‘But
how are we to generate these emotions in ourselves, since emotion is not in our
.Quintilian (), V, xii..
.Fitzpatrick (),.
.Dainville (),–.
.Fitzpatrick (),.
.Montaigne (:) comments sceptically: ‘Aristotle is the god of scholastic
science: it is heresy to discuss his commandments....What Aristotle taught is
professed as law – yet like any other doctrine it may be false’.
.See Melanchthon ().
.See, for example, Des Chene ().
.Aquinas () and Siger de Brabant ().
.Copenhaver and Schmitt (),–.
.Denzinger (), no.(p.).
.Fitzpatrick (),.
.Descartes wrote to Father Hayneuve, a Jesuit priest, inthat he ‘was educated
in one of your colleges for almost nine years’ (July: iii.). Cf. Descartes
to Father Grandamy [May?]: ‘I would be delighted to return to La Fl`eche
where I spent eight or nine years in my youth’ (iv.). Descartes to Bourdin