end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
.In anniversarium Henrici Magni obitus diem().
.The languages in which the poems were written reflects the relative prominence
of the three languages in the school curriculum. Approximatelypercent were
written in Latin,percent in Greek, and onlypercent in French.
.‘Funeral oration for the anniversary of the late King, Henry the Great, given
atthe Church of St. Thomas at La Fl`eche,June,’In anniversarium(),
.‘La France avoit des-ia respandu tant de pleurs / Pour la mort de son Roy, que
l’empire de l’onde / Gros de flots revageoit`alaTerre ses fleurs, / D’un Deluge
second menac ̧ant tout le monde, / L’ors que l’Astre du iour, qui va faisant la
ronde / Autour de l’univers, meu des proches malheurs. / Qui hastoient devers
nous leur course vagabonde, / Luy parla de la sorte, au fort de les douleurs. /
France, de qui les pleurs, pour la mort de ton Prince, / Nuisent par leur excez
`a toute autre Province, / Cesse de l’affliger sur son vuide tombeau, / Car Dieu
l’ayant tire tout entier de la Terre, / Au Ciel de Iupeter maintenant il esclaire, /
Pour servir aux mortels de coeleste flambeau.’In anniversarium(),. There
have been suggestions that this sonnet may have been composed by Descartes, but
there is no independent evidence to support the claim.
.Descartes was asked, in,torecommend a school where a young pupil could
be well educated in philosophy. He wrote as follows. ‘Although I do not think that
everything they teach in philosophy is as true as the Gospel, nevertheless, because
it is the key to the other sciences I think it is important to have studied the whole
course in the way they teach it in Jesuit schools before lifting one’s mind above the
pedantry in order to become truly wise. I should give this honour to my teachers,
that there is nowhere in the world where I think they teach better than at La
Fl`eche’ (October: ii.). Descartes goes on to praise his former school
because of the variety of students from different parts of the country and from
various social ranks who study there, and for the spirit of equality that pervades
the Jesuit schools.
.A copy of the poster was recently discovered glued to the back of another notice,
and it has been published with a translation and notes by Armogathe et al. (),
.Montaigne (), I. xxvi (p.).
.Ibid., p..
.Ibid., p..
.Ibid., p..
.Ibid., I. xxv (p.).
.On the Difficulty of Choosing One’s Way of Life,inBrosse (), ii..
.Forthe following, I rely on Israel (and).
.Here and throughout the book, I reserve the name ‘Holland’ for the single province
of that name rather than for the United Provinces as a whole.