Descartes: A Biography

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end CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

Notes to Pages– 

responsible, as the putative authors, for any book in their possession that lacked
the real author’s name.
.‘It is forbidden to everyone, on pain of their lives, to hold or to teach any max-
ims contrary to the ancient, approved authors, or to engage in any disputation
apart from those that are approved by the doctors of the Faculty of theology....
September.’ Quoted in Adam (),, note.
.Toavoid confusion, it should be noted that the Franciscans were founded by
Saint Francis of Assisi in the thirteenth century, and there were numerous efforts
subsequently to return to the simple lifestyle that he prescribed for his followers.
One of these reforming attempts was made successfully by another Saint Francis,
who was the founder of the Minims.
.Vanini, about whom one author wrote that ‘modesty was not his dominant quality’
(Va ̈ıse:), took the name ‘Julius Caesar’ instead of Lucilio later in life. For
his life and trial, see Lenoir (), Va ̈ıse (), and Schramm ().
.Heresy had been included on the original charge, but was subsequently deleted.
See Lenoir (),–.
.Lenoir (),, andLife of Vanini,,.
.Life of Vanini,.
.While a number of authors refer to Mersenne’sQuaestiones celeberrimae in Genesim
(p.), the edition I consulted at the British Library made no reference to this
unmentionable crime.
.‘Perduto ́e tutto il tempo / Che in amar non si spende.’ Quoted by Vanini in
Dialogue LX,Opere,, from Tarquato Tasso’sL’Aminta,inTasso (), act
I, scene I, lines–. The Reynolds translation fromgives the following
version: ‘Thou wouldst with sighes repent thy time misspent / and onely call a
lovers life Content.’ Donno (),.
.This is quoted from the obliterated passage from Mersenne in theLife of Vanini,
.Va ̈ıse (),.
.This is examined in detail, with specific references to the Vanini’s publications, in
Raimondi ().
.Raimondi (ibid.:) quotes the advice from R. Thuillier’s history of the Minims in
France,Diarium Patrum, Fratrum, Sororum Ordinis Minorum Provinciae Franciae
(Paris: Giffart,).
.‘We reject as erroneous and contrary to the truth of the Catholic faith every doc-
trine or proposition rashly asserting that the substance of the rational or intellectual
soul is not of itself and essentially the form of the human body, or casting doubt
onthis matter.’ Council of Vienne,–(Tanner,:i.). The fifth Lat-
eran Council,–,atsession(December), rejected the ‘extremely
pernicious’ doctrine that the rational soul is ‘mortal, or only one among all human
beings.’ It decreed that ‘the soul not only truly exists of itself and essentially as the
formof the human body...butitisalso immortal.’ Tanner (), i..
.Silhon (),; and Silhon (),.
.Fordetails of publications, see Yates (),–.
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