Descartes: A Biography

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end CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

 Notes to Pages–

.Descartes to Mersenne,April(ii.) andJune(ii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,June(ii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,November(ii.).
.Forexample, he wrote about Galileo (October) that he saw nothing in
his books that would cause him envy, that his best work was in music (confusing
Galileo with his father, who had written about musical theory), and that there
was a much better chance that Galileo had borrowed from him than the reverse!
.Baillet (), ii..
.Quoted by Adam and Tannery, ii..
.Bannius wrote to William Boswell (an English diplomat living at The Hague),
January, that Descartes had visited him at Haarlem on Januaryand
that they had discussed musical theory together (ii.). Descartes writes about
Bannius as ‘not only a Catholic but also a priest, who I think has a benefice at
Haarlem. He is very expert in the practice of music’ (Descartes to Mersenne,
May: ii.). The following year, onOctober, Descartes and Bannius
met again ‘at midday’ to discuss music (CM viii.).
.Descartes attended this service onNovember,asapublic celebration of the
victory of the Dutch over the Spanish fleet at Duins,October.
.Descartes to Plemp, August(ii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,July(ii.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,November(ii.) andJanuary: ‘Given
the few copies that the publisher says he had sold, I do not see any real likelihood
that he will have it reprinted’ (ii.).
.He did not observe this self-imposed interruption, for he wrote to Mersenne again
one monthlater, onFebruary, although he repeated the request not to forward
any writings and even to discourage potential correspondents from sending him
anything (ii.–).
.Descartes to Huygens,January(ii.–).
.Descartes to Mersenne,February(i.).
.Descartes to Wicquefort,October(Bos and Vermeulen:) and
.Descartes to Mersenne,March(iii.).
.Huygens gave as his address ‘the fort of Nassau on the island of Voorn’.
The De Voorn fortress was situated between the Maas and Waal Rivers, near
Heerewaarden, and was also the return address for Huygens to Descartes,June
. See Verbeek et al. (),.
.Descartes to Mersenne,February(ii.).
.Apart from Huygens and Mersenne, who often asked Descartes to reconsider
his decision not to publishThe World,Pollot (I,), Saumaise (Cohen:;
), and Rivet (CM, vii.–) all referred to the unpublished work. Mersenne
even suggested that if the prince of Orange were to use his influence, Descartes
might relent and agree to publish. He suggested this to Rivet, who at the time was
governor to the prince’s children (CM, viii.–).
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