end CUNYB/Clarke December, :
Notes to Pages–
.The committee also included Meinardus Schotanus (theology), Guilielmus
Stratenus (medicine), and Arnold Senguerd (philosophy). See Verbeek (),
.Descartes to Pollot, March(iii.).
.Descartes to Regius, April(iii.).
.Quoted in Descartes,Correspondance,v.–.
.Descartes to Mersenne,December(iii.).
.Descartes repeats this altruistic justification for replying to Voetius in a letter to
.These letters are now lost. Descartes quotes from them in his letter to the French
ambassador, La Thuillerie,January(iv.), and in hisApologetic Letter
(viii-.–). He told Van Hogelande where to find these letters among the
papers that he entrusted to him, in a suitcase that was to be opened after his death.
Descartes to Van Hogelande,August(v.).
.Mersenne to Voetius,December(iii.–).
.Huygens to Descartes,January(iii.).
.Descartes to Samuel Maresius [late January or early February] (iii.–
). The book in question wasDe Confraternitate Mariana(On the Marian
.The toleration of Catholicism in districts recovered from the Spanish continued
to be a contentious issue in subsequent alliances between France and the United
Provinces, and it was one of the reasons why theStadholderoften found himself
atodds with a changing majority, of Counter-Remonstrants or Arminians, in
the largest province (Holland). In the–campaign, Richelieu insisted on
toleration of the Catholic religion in captured territories.
.One cannot assume that he wrote the book in the order in which it was published.
However, the sections on magnetism eventually appeared in the final part, Part IV,
.Descartes to Colvius,September,repeats this assessment. Descartes found
‘nothing solid’ in Kircher (iv.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,June.Hequalified his lack of interest in Jansen
with the phrase: ‘I would be happy to know where it was published so that I can
get a copy if I need one’ (iii.).
.Gassendi’s book wasDe motu impresso a motore translato, epistolae duae(Paris,).
.Descartes to Mersenne,February(iii.). Gassendi had accepted the
decision by the committee of cardinals to punish Galileo for his disobedience,
without conceding that their decision was an article of faith (pp.–); hence
Descartes’ lack of sympathy for his new book on motion, including the Earth’s
.Descartes to Huygens,/February:‘Ihavelittle trust in experiments
that I have not done myself....artisans implement so poorly what they are told to
do’ (iii.).
.Descartes to Colvius,April(iii.–).
.Descartes to Colvius,April(iii.).
.Schoock (). Rivet refers to its appearance in a letter to Sarrau,March,
in Bots and Leroy (–), i..