Descartes: A Biography

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end CUNYB/Clarke     December, :

 Notes to Pages–

.The committee also included Meinardus Schotanus (theology), Guilielmus
Stratenus (medicine), and Arnold Senguerd (philosophy). See Verbeek (),
.Descartes to Pollot, March(iii.).
.Descartes to Regius, April(iii.).
.Quoted in Descartes,Correspondance,v.–.
.Descartes to Mersenne,December(iii.).
.Descartes repeats this altruistic justification for replying to Voetius in a letter to
.These letters are now lost. Descartes quotes from them in his letter to the French
ambassador, La Thuillerie,January(iv.), and in hisApologetic Letter
(viii-.–). He told Van Hogelande where to find these letters among the
papers that he entrusted to him, in a suitcase that was to be opened after his death.
Descartes to Van Hogelande,August(v.).
.Mersenne to Voetius,December(iii.–).
.Huygens to Descartes,January(iii.).
.Descartes to Samuel Maresius [late January or early February] (iii.–
). The book in question wasDe Confraternitate Mariana(On the Marian
.The toleration of Catholicism in districts recovered from the Spanish continued
to be a contentious issue in subsequent alliances between France and the United
Provinces, and it was one of the reasons why theStadholderoften found himself
atodds with a changing majority, of Counter-Remonstrants or Arminians, in
the largest province (Holland). In the–campaign, Richelieu insisted on
toleration of the Catholic religion in captured territories.
.One cannot assume that he wrote the book in the order in which it was published.
However, the sections on magnetism eventually appeared in the final part, Part IV,
.Descartes to Colvius,September,repeats this assessment. Descartes found
‘nothing solid’ in Kircher (iv.).
.Descartes to Mersenne,June.Hequalified his lack of interest in Jansen
with the phrase: ‘I would be happy to know where it was published so that I can
get a copy if I need one’ (iii.).
.Gassendi’s book wasDe motu impresso a motore translato, epistolae duae(Paris,).
.Descartes to Mersenne,February(iii.). Gassendi had accepted the
decision by the committee of cardinals to punish Galileo for his disobedience,
without conceding that their decision was an article of faith (pp.–); hence
Descartes’ lack of sympathy for his new book on motion, including the Earth’s
.Descartes to Huygens,/February:‘Ihavelittle trust in experiments
that I have not done myself....artisans implement so poorly what they are told to
do’ (iii.).
.Descartes to Colvius,April(iii.–).
.Descartes to Colvius,April(iii.).
.Schoock (). Rivet refers to its appearance in a letter to Sarrau,March,
in Bots and Leroy (–), i..
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