The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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these 10 rules. We talk about them often. And now I get
to share them with you. I’m so excited!” she cheered.
“Look at the big picture here, George. This ain’t no
coincidence. We got about 10 days on my bus together
and I got 10 rules for the ride of your life.”
George squirmed a little in his seat. “I have enough
rules in my life,” he said. “Wife rules, home rules, Little
League rules. The last thing I want is more rules.”
Joy turned very serious for a moment. Her smile
turned into a dead stare as she looked George right in the
eye. “You need these rules, George,” she declared firmly.
“Never turn your back on something that will change
your life forever. You got 10 days and I got 10 rules that
will change your life. Great things are coming your way if
you’re open, George. Be open. Please be open.” And at
that she smiled brightly once again and asked, “Are you
with me?” in a calm, firm voice that made it clear she wasn’t
taking no for an answer.
“Yes,” George answered, not believing he was actu-
ally agreeing to this.
And all at once the entire bus cheered, “Yes! Yes!
Yes!” George looked around and for the first time real-
ized that there were a group of other passengers on the
bus as well.
“Don’t be scared,” Joy said. “We always chant Yes!
when a new long-term passenger agrees to learn the 10
rules. It’s our thing. It’s what makes this the Energy Bus.
We’re all about positive energy here and it’s what makes
the ride so great. You don’t get more positive than the

The Energy Bus
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