The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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choose your energy George. In fact, smile for me right
now, Sugar.” George didn’t budge. “I’m not askingyou,
George. Now smile.”
So he did, knowing she was one woman he didn’t
want to see get mad.
“See, George, you chose to smile and just by doing
that one thing, you changed your energy. A smile changes
the way you feel, the way you think, and how you interact
with others. The energy you fuel the ride of your life with
is entirely up to you. And as the driver, you are the one
who must also choose your vision of where you want to
go. You have the best seat and the best view of your life
so it’s up to you. You gotta have vision. So let me ask you,
do you know where you want to go, George?”
George sat up straight, looked out the window, and
noticed they were about a mile from his office building.
He didn’t have a clue where he wanted to go. He just
knew he didn’t want to be where he was anymore.
Joy had known it before George even thought it. A
man with vision has a certain look in his eye and walk in
his step. He walks like he knows where he is going and
why he is going there, and George didn’t walk like that.
“I know we’re almost at your office,” Joy said, “but I want
you to read something before you get off. It’s something
that inspired me to call this the Energy Bus. She reached
into her bag next to her seat and pulled out a children’s
book with a graphical picture of a bus on the cover with
the words Energy Buson it.
“It’s a children’s book,” George said, very frustrated as

You’re the Driver
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