The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy

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Chapter 9

George Shares His Vision


George in fact did have a vision, several of
them, and he had written them down. He
pulled out the paper from his briefcase and
explained to Joy that at first it had been a
little hard to do this because it had been so long since he
had thought about what he wanted. “I spend so much
time living my life according to everyone’s demands that
it actually felt strange to think about what I want,” he told
her. “But once I got started it felt really good to think
about what I want for my life.”
She nodded, reassuring him with her big eyes and
smile. “Go on, George. Do tell.”
He told her about his vision for his personal life, how
he had been a star college athlete who played lacrosse
and how he wanted to get back into great shape and get
rid of his big gut that hung over his belt. He explained
how thinking about his vision made him remember a
time in the past when he had been really happy and alive
and how he wanted to feel that way again. He told Joy
about wanting to be a better father and husband as well.

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