
(Michael S) #1
Workshop Module 3: Houses, Water, and Waste Management 97

Catch and store rainwater

Roof run-off can be stored in water tanks or drums.

Note: Depending on the roofing material used, water run-off may be contaminated with

lead from roofing iron or asbestos sheeting. This water is not suitable for drinking water,

but in areas with low levels of pollution roof water can be used for washing.

Use compost toilets

Compost toilets are an excellent way to reduce water use, especially in areas that have

limited water supplies. Compost toilets do not need water to function and human wastes

are converted through the composting process into valuable fertilizer that can be used

on tree crops.

Use compost showers

Compost showers are a simple method for returning all shower wastewater directly into

the ground to be used by productive plants and trees. It is a dug pit circle, approximately

2m wide and 1m deep, with a floor and a simple structure around the shower to give

privacy and provide trellising for vines.

See PC Book MOD 3 - Houses, Water, and Waste Management for more information

about the above strategies.

Protect water sources (springs, rivers, wells, etc)

Protect water sources from contamination from animals, soaps, rubbish, pollutants, dirt,

and misuse. Create separate drinking areas for animals. See PC Book MOD 7- Farming

for more information about the above strategies.

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