
(Michael S) #1
104 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Field activity : Create a biological wastewater filter

Method   :  Design  and build   a   biological  plant   filter  system  for grey    water

Tools : See below

References : PC Book MOD 3 – Houses, Water, and Waste Management

Objective    :  Students    build   a   biological  plant   filter  system  for grey    water

Note: This exercise is recommended for the treatment of grey water only. Safe treatment
of black water needs to be done very carefully to avoid creating any contamination of
local water supplies. If you are interested in working with black water systems, contact
[email protected] for more information.


The facilitator should identify an appropriate site with wastewater.

The site should have:

  • Grey water pollution only.

  • A maximum of 500 liters per day of wastewater. Note: The facilitator should
    determine amount of water per day to be treated ahead of time.

  • A grey water source which slopes down to the filtering area and continues to
    slope down to the final exit point.

  • Sufficient sunlight to keep plants alive and healthy.

The facilitator should also prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Water loving plants (non-edible).

  • Gravel.

  • Digging tools.

  • Rocks.

  • Impermeable layer materials.




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