
(Michael S) #1
156 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Field activity : Start a nursery

Method   :  Participatory   field   activity

Tools : Nursery construction materials and appropriate tools

References : PC Book MOD 5 – Seed Saving and Nurseries, 3-D models and designs

Objective : To construct a community nursery

Note: This exercise will be specifically for workshops with a focus on nurseries as it will
require a relatively long amount of time to run.

Part 1: Choose a location

The nursery could be located at a local primary school to increase awareness and
education; children have an intimate knowledge of plant resources in the community
and usually have free access to seeds and seedlings. See “Nursery location” in PC Book
MOD 5 – Seed Saving and Nurseries for a guide to choosing a good location.

Part 2: Design the nursery

If the participants have made 3-D model nurseries then these could be used as the
designs. If not, the facilitator can use the information provided for that exercise to help
the participants make their designs.

Part 3: Commence construction

There will probably only be enough time to construct part of the nursery. The design and
construction could allow for future extensions. Rather than just focusing on construction
of the entire nursery structure it will be more beneficial for the participants to practice all
the aspects of a nursery.

Outcomes for this exercise could include:

  • A section of the nursery built using local, sustainable building materials.

  • Compost bays, soil mixing bays, and soil ingredients bays.

  • A table for seedlings.

  • Water supply.

  • Weed control on the floor.

  • Some containers with potting mix and seeds/seedlings.

  • Water run-off is re-used.

For more information and many different ideas and techniques, see PC Book MOD 5 –
Seed Saving and Nurseries.




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