Workshop Module 9: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 255
Creative thinking : Local open pollinated seeds
Method : Participatory group brainstorm
Tools : Large paper, markers
References : PC Book MOD 9 – Integrated Pest Management
PC Book MOD 5 – Seed Saving and Nurseries
Objective : Participants create a list of local non-hybrid open pollinated seeds
This is a good exercise to follow the presentation about seeds and IPM. It helps to
encourage a practical follow up for after the workshop.
On the large paper create a table something like the following. Leave the
answers to the questions blank so that the participants come up with their
own ideas.
Have the participants suggest local non-hybrid open pollinated seed that they know
about in the area. Then ask them to list the best time to collect them (table 1).
Then ask the participants to explain where they think they could get stocks of the seeds/
plants that can be used for propagating the seeds (table 2).
Local non-hybrid open
pollinated seed varieties
Time to
Where the seeds can be found
in the local community
- Carrot 8 months Around villages (in high altitudes)
- Tomato 4 months Around villages everywhere
- Eggplants 6 months Around villages everywhere
Grains - Rice 6 months Around villages in rice farming areas
- Corn 4 months Around villages everywhere
- Beans 5 months Around villages everywhere
Herbs/medicines - Coriander 8 months Around villages (in high altitudes)
- Sambiroto 1 year Around villages (in high altitudes)
Fruits - Papaya 1 year Around villages everywhere
- Mango 5 years Around villages everywhere
Table 1. Table 2.
Place the list in the training space so that it can be referenced during the
rest of the workshop.