
(Michael S) #1
314 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops





Creative thinking : Design an aquaculture system (Aquaculture Ex. 1)

Method : Participatory small group designs

Tools : Large paper, markers

References : PC Book MOD 11 - Aquaculture
PC Book MOD 2 - Natural Patterns and Permaculture Design

Objective : Participants practice designing animal rotation systems

Note: This exercise is essential no matter how many other exercises in this series are

Identify a few different system ideas for the participants to use as a base to create their
designs. The systems will vary depending on each location and the participants.

Step 1 - Demonstration site survey

  • Take the participants to the aquaculture site to survey the land where the
    demonstration aquaculture systems will be implemented.

Step 2 - Orientation and design

  • Ask the participants to split up into smaller workgroups.

  • Each group can create a simple plan, which should include all the elements of a
    sustainable and productive aquaculture system:

    • Fish pond construction including water inflows and outflows.

    • Pond preparation.

    • Stocking the fish.

    • Integration with other systems.

  • The designs can be on paper or as a simple 3-D model. The design does not
    need to be too detailed as the details will be implemented in the building of the
    aquaculture system.

  • The designs will need to last the duration of the aquaculture system creation
    process so 3-D models will need to be protected from the rain.

  • Refer to the creative thinking exercise “Design and build an integrated
    aquaculture 3-D model” for more information and ideas.

Step 3 - Presentation for feedback and inputs

  • After each workgroup has completed their aquaculture system, they can present
    it to the entire group for feedback and other suggestions.

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